
Termis: the Congruent Point of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

Todd McDevitt | Via Georgia Tech Pioneer | January 28, 2014

Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine International Society – hosts an annual conference which is often found to be eye-opening by many people in the field of tissue engineering as it showcases the field’s latest technologies and groundbreaking research. This year, TERMIS-Americas is hosted by The Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience at Georgia Tech with Dr. Robert Guldberg as the Conference Chair and Dr. Todd McDevitt as the Scientific Program Chair. According to McDevitt, the scientific program is ”based upon the fundamental principles, emerging strategies and applications of the latest advances in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine” along with “workshops and symposia on clinical and commercial translation.” There are 200 oral presentations and 400 poster presentations. Many of the presenters hail from foreign countries such as Japan and the United Kingdom. Since tissue engineering is a multi-disciplinary field, project creation involves everything from mechanical engineering to nanotechnology.
