
Fellowbook News

AIMBE Fellowbook collects news stories highlighting the members of the AIMBE College of Fellows. Read the latest stories, jump to the College Directory, or search below to find the newest research, awards, announcements and more for the leaders of the medical and biological engineering community.



Nanoscale Scaffolds and Stem Cells Show Promise in Cartilage Repair

Jennifer Elisseeff | Via John Hopkins Medicine | July 17, 2012

Johns Hopkins tissue engineers have used tiny, artificial fiber scaffolds thousands of times smaller than a human hair to help coax stem cells into developing into cartilage, the shock-absorbing lining of elbows and knees that often wears thin from injury or age. Reporting online June 4 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, […]

Rice to Partner with Coursera to Offer Free Online Courses

Vicki Colvin | Via Rice University | July 17, 2012

Rice University will offer five online courses free to people around the world as a new partner with the California-based enterprise Coursera.  

Stony Brook Study Shows Ultrasound Triggers Bone Cell Mobility

Yi-Xian Qin | Via Stony Brook Medicine | July 17, 2012

Research led by Yi-Xian Qin, PhD, Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, and Director of the Orthopaedic Bioengineering Research Laboratory at Stony Brook University, demonstrated that the use of medium-intensity focused ultrasound on osteoblasts, known as bone-forming cells, stimulates the mobility of the cells and triggers calcium release, a process that promotes growth. The technique could […]

Kenan Institute Appoints Joseph DeSimone as New Director

Joseph DeSimone | Via UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School | July 16, 2012

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise has appointed Joseph M. DeSimone as its new director. DeSimone is the Chancellor’s Eminent Professor of Chemistry at UNC and William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at NC State University and of Chemistry at UNC. He replaces […]

Ferrara and Cherry Receive RISE Awards

Katherine Ferrara | Via UC Davis Biomedical Engineering | July 16, 2012

UC Davis Biomedical Engineering professors Katherine Ferrara and Simon Cherry have received funding through the Office of Research’s “Research Investments in the Sciences and Engineering (RISE)” program. RISE is a new program to support interdisciplinary research at UC Davis that will lead to new knowledge and technologies that will attract large-scale funding from federal, state, […]

Duke to Offer Free Courses on Internet

Roger Barr | Via Duke Today | July 16, 2012

Duke University will begin offering courses free on the Internet, school officials said Tuesday. Doing so will extend Duke’s expertise to a broader global audience while using technology to enhance the classroom experience for its students on campus, officials added. Duke will accomplish this through a partnership with Coursera, a California-based education company that provides […]

Clemson University Spinoff Company to Commercialize Advanced Genetic Technology

Guigen Zhang | Via Clemson University Newsstand | July 10, 2012

A new company emerging from Clemson University research aims to commercialize innovative genetic sensing technology, according to the university Research Foundation. Tiger Bioanalytics, led by Guigen Zhang of Clemson University, is developing a cost-effective way to more accurately conduct gene sequencing. The goal is to sequence a whole genome using DNA from a single cell […]

Harvard’s Wyss Institute Develops Novel Nanotherapeutic that Delivers Clot-Busting Drugs Directly to Obstructed Blood Vessels

Donald Ingber | Via Wyss Institute | July 5, 2012

Researchers at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University have developed a novel biomimetic strategy that delivers life-saving nanotherapeutics directly to obstructed blood vessels, dissolving blood clots before they cause serious damage or even death. This new approach enables thrombus dissolution while using only a fraction of the drug dose normally required, […]

Dr. Joseph Irudayaraj Named Bindley Bioscience Center Deputy Director

Joseph M. K. Irudayaraj | Via Purdue University | July 1, 2012

The Bindley Bioscience Center Welcomes its first Deputy Director effective July 1, 2012. Dr. Joseph Irudayaraj, Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, has been selected as the inaugural Deputy Director of the Bindley Bioscience Center (BBC).  Primarily, the Deputy Director will be responsible to interface and enable faculty.  Dr. Irudayaraj will work to create and […]

UCSF Scientists Working to ‘Program’ E-Coli Bacteria

Christopher A. Voigt | Via abc Local | July 1, 2012

Scientists at UC San Francisco are hoping to revolutionize medicine with bacteria notorious for causing food poisoning. They are engineering e-coli bacteria to behave in a way that will one day allow living cells to be programmed to act logically, just like a computer. Imagine if the intelligence of a super computer could be applied […]

Congratulations To Professor Andrew Laine!

Andrew Laine | Via IEEE Life Sciences | July 1, 2012

Andrew Laine was elected chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Columbia University, effective July 1, 2012. He is the Percy K. and Vida L. W. Hudson Professor, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology at Columbia.

New Technique Controls Crystalline Structure of Titanium Dioxide

Roger Narayan | Via NC State Newsroom | June 27, 2012

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new technique for controlling the crystalline structure of titanium dioxide at room temperature. The development should make titanium dioxide more efficient in a range of applications, including photovoltaic cells, hydrogen production, antimicrobial coatings, smart sensors and optical communication technologies. Titanium dioxide most commonly comes in one […]

Institute for Molecular Engineering Names Three Esteemed Researchers to Faculty

Matthew Tirrell | Via UChicago News | June 25, 2012

The University of Chicago’s Institute for Molecular Engineering is making its first set of new faculty appointments, bringing in world-leading research programs at the interfaces between molecular-level science and powerful new technologies. The new faculty members, who will have joint appointments at Argonne National Laboratory, are physicist-engineer David Awschalom of the University of California, Santa […]

Pitt Develops Biodegradable Artery Graft to Enhance Bypass Surgeries

Yadong Wang | Via University of Pittsburgh News | June 25, 2012

With the University of Pittsburgh’s development of a cell-free, biodegradable artery graft comes a potentially transformative change in coronary artery bypass surgeries: Within 90 days after surgery, the patient will have a regenerated artery with no trace of synthetic graft materials left in the body.  Research published online June 24 in Nature Medicine highlights work […]

Blood-Brain Barrier Building Blocks Forged from Human Stem Cells

Sean Palecek | Via University of Wisconsin News | June 25, 2012

The blood-brain barrier — the filter that governs what can and cannot come into contact with the mammalian brain — is a marvel of nature. It effectively separates circulating blood from the fluid that bathes the brain, and it keeps out bacteria, viruses and other agents that could damage it. But the barrier can be […]

Blood-Brain Barrier Building Blocks Forged from Human Stem Cells

Eric V. Shusta | Via University of Wisconsin News | June 25, 2012

The blood-brain barrier — the filter that governs what can and cannot come into contact with the mammalian brain — is a marvel of nature. It effectively separates circulating blood from the fluid that bathes the brain, and it keeps out bacteria, viruses and other agents that could damage it. But the barrier can be […]

Regrown Bones, Transplanted Faces: This Chemist is Remaking Military Medicine

Joachim Kohn | Via | June 24, 2012

Dr. Joachim Kohn has never seen combat. He has never retaliated enemy fire, deployed with a platoon to some foreign, war-ravaged nation, or ridden shotgun in a tank. But from his first years of childhood to his military-funded, revolutionary scientific innovations, Kohn’s life has been indelibly marked by armed conflict. “One of my earliest memories […]

Of Plants and Polymers: Researchers to Collaborate with Fraunhofer Center for Molecular Biotechnology

Kristi Kiick | Via University of Delaware | June 20, 2012

Two collaborative research projects have been selected for funding under a six-year partnership agreement that includes the University of Delaware, the Fraunhofer Center for Molecular Biotechnology (CMB) and the state of Delaware. The two-year grants total $400,000 to support work to be conducted at UD and Fraunhofer. Kristi Kiick, professor of materials science and engineering […]

Grants Add to Northwestern-Qatar Partnership

John B. Troy | Via Northwestern University | June 18, 2012

Northwestern University has received its first research grants from the Qatar National Research Fund, a branch of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, opening the door to increased collaborations between Northwestern faculty and researchers in Qatar.  The two grants, each worth $1,050,000 over three years, are part of $140.5 million awarded to […]

ALung Technologies Presents Positive Clinical Trial Results of the Hemolung Respiratory Assist System

William Federspiel | Via ALung | June 18, 2012

ALung Technologies, Inc., a leading developer of innovative lung assist devices, presented an analysis of its recent clinical trial of the Hemolung Respiratory Assist System (RAS) in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The data were presented during the session “Chronic and Acute Hypercapnic Failure – Management with low flow CO2 […]