
Biomedical engineering milestones

Dawn Elliot | Via U Daily | September 8, 2015

Biomedical engineering program accredited, granted departmental status

The biomedical engineering (BME) program at the University of Delaware recently reached two important milestones: accreditation by ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) and approval for departmental status by the UD Faculty Senate.

The BME program, developed by a steering committee led by Tom Buchanan and composed of faculty from all engineering departments, was launched in 2010 with mechanical engineering’s Jill Higginson as the first director.

In 2011, Dawn Elliott became the director and first primary faculty member. Now department chair, Elliott has continued to develop affiliated faculty appointments across the university, implement the new undergraduate program, and launch the graduate program.

“The undergraduate program has been extremely popular since the very beginning,” Elliott says. “Our incoming classes are capped at 55 students, and unfortunately we’re having to turn away outstanding applicants every year… Continue reading.
