
AIMBE Workshops Call for Proposals


AIMBE has held and sponsored a series of workshops over years stemming from the great ideas and leadership of our Fellows. AIMBE is proud to support new initiatives spearheaded by AIMBE Fellows to advance the fields of medical and biological engineering. AIMBE is seeking to support broad scientific and/or regulatory ideas for workshops spearheaded by AIMBE Fellows.

In the past, AIMBE sponsored 6 workshops in a series, in coordination with the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) at NIH, on Validation and Qualification of New In Vitro Tools and Models for the Pre-Clinical Drug Discovery Process.

In 2019, AIMBE sponsored two successful workshops.

Regulatory Education in Engineering Programs

April 15-16, 2019

Led by AIMBE Fellow Dorothy Abel, FDA

Navigating the Nexus between Regulatory Science/Policy and Entrepreneurship

February 11, 2019

Lead by AIMBE Fellows Karen Burg and Crystal Leach, UGA


Call for Proposals

AIMBE is issuing a Call for Proposals to Fellows interested in organizing a workshop that:

1). Serves to add new knowledge to a pressing scientific issue, and/or

2). Explores new and updated science governing regulatory approvals.

Workshops can be organized in coordination with a federal agency partner, academic institution, and/or corporate partner. Robust proposals will identify a steering committee that will shape the workshop program and speakers. Proposals must include a draft or sample agenda, intended outcomes, target audience, and dissemination plan. AIMBE will provide up to $10,000 per workshop based on need.

Submit your proposal (no more than 500 words), including an itemized budget estimate, to Sarah Mandell at The deadline to submit your materials is Friday, August 16.