
Yoram Rudy, Ph.D.

AIMBE College of Fellows Class of 1995
For major contributions to the theory of cardiac electrophysiology and to the development of electrocardiographic imaging.

Cardioinsight Technologies Acquired To Further Advance Heart Mapping Technology Initially Developed At Case Western Reserve University

Via THINK | July 10, 2015

The recent acquisition of CardioInsight Technologies Inc., a privately-held, Cleveland-based medical device company, will further advance electrocardiographic mapping technology initially researched and developed in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University’s Case School of Engineering and licensed through the university’s technology management office.
CardioInsight further developed a non-invasive advanced cardiac mapping system to map electrical disorders of the heart. The company’s ECVUE system is the first non-invasive mapping system to provide simultaneous, 3-D, multi-chamber mapping and localization of cardiac arrhythmia.

The ECVUE system uses a proprietary, single-use, disposable multi-sensor vest to capture electrical signals from the body surface and sophisticated software to compute and visualize epicardial 3-D electroanatomic maps and virtual electrograms of the heart.
CardioInsight will become part of the major global medical device company.

“This is an exciting time for Case Western Reserve University and CardioInsight for their technologies to become part of a worldwide product line,” said Wayne Hawthorne, senior licensing manager in the university’s Technology Transfer Office. The university originally licensed the technology to CardioInsight in July 2006.

The electrocardiographic technology was developed at the Case Western Reserve laboratory of Professor Yoram Rudy, principal inventor now at Washington University in St. Louis. CardioInsight resulted from collaboration among several Cleveland institutions and company co-founders Charu Ramanathan and Ping Jia, who both earned doctorates in biomedical engineering at Case Western Reserve.
Michael Haag, executive director of technology management at Case Western Reserve’s Technology Transfer Office, described CardioInsight as “a shining example of how commercialization can and should occur in Cleveland” because the company’s origination and success resulted from multiple Northeast Ohio resources coming together.

“We have a renowned scientist in Dr. Rudy developing the core concept,” Haag said. “TTO partnered with local investment groups JumpStart and Draper Triangle Ventures, along with our own Case Technology Ventures, to launch the initial company. All three of those funds were supported with money from the State of Ohio.”

Rudy Named Visiting Professor At Oxford

Via Wash. U. St. Louis | November 6, 2014

Yoram Rudy, PhD, the Fred Saigh Distinguished Professor of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, has been given the title of visiting professor in computational medicine by the University of Oxford.
The appointment is in the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division and in the Department of Computer Science. In this capacity, Rudy will deliver lectures and provide guidance to research at Oxford in computational biosciences and cardiac physiology.