
Brian J. Dunkin, M.D.

AIMBE College of Fellows Class of 2017
For advancing transformative technologies and nationally impactful educational programs to perform minimally invasive surgery using cutting edge surgical methods.

Boston Scientific Receives Medicare Transitional Pass-Through Payment for the EXALT™ Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope

Via PR NewsWire | June 8, 2020

Boston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) today announced that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved its application for a transitional pass-through (TPT) payment category to describe single-use endoscopes, including the EXALT™ Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope, under the Medicare hospital outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS). The intent of TPT payment is to facilitate Medicare beneficiary access to the advantages of new and innovative devices by allowing for adequate payment for these new devices while the necessary cost data is collected to incorporate the costs for these devices into the procedure Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APC) rate.

The new device transitional pass-through code (C1748) may be used to bill for EXALT Model D when it is used in treatment of Medicare beneficiaries in the hospital outpatient setting starting July 1, 2020.

The EXALT™ Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope is the world’s first and only single-use, flexible duodenoscope currently cleared by the US. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Duodenoscopes are used in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedures to diagnose and treat various pancreatic and biliary conditions. Every year, more than 700,000 ERCP procedures are performed in the U.S. and approximately 1.5 million are completed worldwide… Continue reading.

Brian J. Dunkin, M.D. To be Inducted into Medical and Biological Engineering Elite

Via AIMBE | March 1, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C.— The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) has announced the pending induction of Brian J. Dunkin, M.D., Professor of Surgery John F., Jr. and Carolyn Bookout Chair in Surgical Innovation & Technology Medical Director, Methodist Institute for Technology, Innovation, and Education (MITIE), Department of Surgery, Houston Methodist Hospital, to its College of Fellows. Dr. Dunkin was nominated, reviewed, and elected by peers and members of the College of Fellows For advancing transformative technologies and nationally impactful educational programs to perform minimally invasive surgery using cutting edge surgical methods..