
Earl Bakken Lecture Series

The Earl Bakken Lecture is presented at AIMBE’s Annual Event in honor of Honorary Fellow and pioneer, Earl Bakken. Earl Bakken invented the cardiac pacemaker and founded Medtronic, the world’s largest medical device company. Bakken supported AIMBE’s advocacy mission early on, and the AIMBE Earl Bakken Lecture Series honors Bakken’s persevering commitment to improving human welfare through the application of biomedical engineering innovation.


2024 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Bin He, Ph.D.

Trustee Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University

Dynamic Imaging and Interfacing with the Brain by Means of ML/AI


2023 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Chad A. Mirkin, Ph.D.

Director, International Institute for Nanotechnology
George B. Rathmann Professor of Chemistry
Professor of Medicine & Professor of Materials Science
Northwestern University

Nanotechnology in medicine and society: technology, societal impact, lessons learned.


2022 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Omar Ishrak, Ph.D.

Chairman of the Board, Intel
Former Chairman & CEO, Medtronic

Releasing Ventilator IP Amid Global Pandemic: Lessons Learned


2022 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Teresa Woodruff, Ph.D.

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Michigan State University

Increasing Societal Impact of Biomedical Engineering


2019 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Susan S. Margulies, Ph.D.

Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar
Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University

Research and Education at the Intersection of Medicine and Engineering: Leading Change


2018 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Mauro Ferrari, Ph.D.

President and CEO
Methodist Hospital Research Institute

Pathway to a Cure

Kaplan photo

2017 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

David Kaplan, Ph.D.

Stern Family Endowed Professor of Engineering
Tufts University

Brains, Pains and Tissue Engineering


2016 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Ph.D.

Malcolm Gillis University Professor
Rice University

Eliminating Global Health Disparities: The
Essential Role of Bioengineering


2015 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Jay Keasling, Ph.D.

University of California, Berkeley

Engineering Microbes to Solve Global Challenges


2014 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Rakesh K. Jain, Ph.D.

Harvard University

Reengineering the Tumor Microenvironment to Enhance Cancer Treatment: Bench to Bedside to Biomarkers


2013 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Donald Ingber, Ph.D.

Harvard University

Biologically Inspired Engineering at the Wyss Institute


2012 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

James Collins, Ph.D.

William F. Warren Distinguished Professor
Boston University; Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Synthethic Biology


2011 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Stephen Oesterle, M.D.

Senior Vice President for Medicine and Technology
Medtronic, Inc.

Technology Takes Cost Out of Health Care:Converging materials, biologics, MEMS, IT, and Communication Technologies Into Implantable Medical Devices


2010 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Joanna Weitershausen, Ph.D.

Deputy Director Division of Risk Management Operation


2009 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D.

The Ultimate Translation of Knowledge into Power


2008 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Shu Chien, Ph.D., M.D.

University Professor of Bioengineering and Medicine and Director
University of California, San Diego

Biomedical Sciences and Bioengineering in the Far East


2007 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

David Malakoff

Deputy News Editor

Who You Gonna Call? Bioengineers, Journalists… & Ghostbusters


2006 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Peter Katona, Ph.D.

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
George Mason University

The Legacy of the Whitaker Foundation and Prospects for Biomedical Engineering


2005 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Mark McClellan, M.D.

Senior Fellow
Brookings Institution


2004 Annual Event Earl Bakken Lecturer

Elias A. Zerhouni, M.D.

15th Director
National Institutes of Health