The AIMBE Scholars Program enables distinguished post-doctorates in biomedical engineering fields to serve as expert advisors to policy makers at the FDA. Scholars learn how to apply their experiences from the lab bench to inform regulatory policy decisions. AIMBE Scholars work side-by-side with the most influential decision makers at the agency–from reviewers to FDA scientists to Center directors. They inform public policy through their knowledge of the latest cutting-edge research and technological innovations. Scholars receive training about regulatory science and policy and build relationships with key government stakeholders. Scholars extend the capacity of the FDA and work toward streamlining regulatory processes at the agency through a variety of projects. They may be involved in standards development and the development of metrics to evaluate and inform agency programs and decision-making.
Some biomedical engineers participating in the AIMBE Scholars Program return to their academic, government, or industry careers–with greater understanding of the connections between public policy and translational science–while others go on to build new careers in regulatory policy.
The goals of the AIMBE Scholars Program are to:
(1) Advance regulatory science at FDA in order to improve the quality and efficiency of regulations governing the medical device sector, and lower the cost of regulation;
(2) Strengthen the connections between bioengineering and the scientific enterprise, industry, and the regulatory processes that governs the medical device sector; and
(3) Train rising leaders in the field to learn first-hand about the regulatory processes that encompass the medical device total product life cycle.