Dawn Beraud, Ph.D., serves as the Executive Director of AIMBE. As a science policy leader with senior government experience and a keen understanding of Capitol Hill processes, Dr. Beraud brings to AIMBE her passion for helping scientists join the conversation and influence policy decisions. She directs AIMBE’s strategic planning and partners with Fellows to provide advocacy leadership in medical and biological engineering. Dr. Beraud joins AIMBE from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) at NIH, where she led congressional relations and external outreach for almost a decade. Prior to joining the NIA, Dr. Beraud worked on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) research policy at the National Institute of Mental Health. Dr. Beraud received a B.S. in psychology from the University of Florida and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from Georgetown University
Sarah Mandell is the Assistant Director at the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering. In this role, she is responsible for developing and implementing AIMBE's public policy initiatives on Capitol Hill. Sarah is tasked with increasing the understanding of medical and biological engineering among policy makers and the public, while engaging the bioengineering research community in public policy. She builds partnerships with industry, academia, lawmakers, and U.S. federal agencies to advance biomedical engineering. Sarah directs the AIMBE Scholars Program, which brings post doctoral researchers to Washington to spend a year working on regulatory science and policy at the FDA. She is responsible for organizing AIMBE’s annual congressional briefing series featuring Fellows conducting ground-breaking research, as well as AIMBE’s congressional NIH tour, Public Policy Institute, and more. Sarah previously managed one of the largest science & technology policy fellowship programs in Washington, DC for the Society for Research in Child Development. Sarah received a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and Political Science from Florida State University.