
Fellowbook News

AIMBE Fellowbook collects news stories highlighting the members of the AIMBE College of Fellows. Read the latest stories, jump to the College Directory, or search below to find the newest research, awards, announcements and more for the leaders of the medical and biological engineering community.



Sport Science, Featuring WSU’s Cynthia Bir, Takes Home an Award at 32nd Annual Sports Emmys

Cynthia A. Bir | Via Wayne State University | May 5, 2011

Sport Science, the popular television series featuring Cynthia Bir, professor of biomedical engineering at Wayne State University, took home an award at the 32nd annual Sports Emmys, held May 2 at the Frederick P. Rose Hall, Home of Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City. The Sport Science team won a Sports Emmy for […]

The Soul of a Cell: Stanford Researchers Used Advanced Instrument to Read Cells’ Minds

Garry Nolan | Via Stanford Medicine | May 5, 2011

Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have taken a machine already in use for the measurement of impurities in semiconductors and used it to analyze immune cells in far more detail than has been possible before. The new technology lets scientists take simultaneous measurements of dozens of features located on and in cells, […]

Engineers Aim to Green the O.R. and Pitt Researcher Recognized For Melding Body and Machine | University of Pittsburgh News

William Wagner | Via University of Pittsburgh News | May 5, 2011

The country’s foremost scientific organization for biomaterials has honored William Wagner, a professor of surgery, bioengineering, and chemical engineering in Pitt’s Swanson School of Engineering, for his work developing medical technology that functions in synchronicity with the body. The Society for Biomaterials presented Wagner with the 2011 Clemson Award for Applied Research, which recognizes the […]

Wyss Institute’s George Church Elected Member of National Academy of Sciences

George M. Church | Via Wyss Institue at Harvard | May 3, 2011

The Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University announced today that one of its core faculty members, George Church, has been elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in recognition of his distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. Membership in the academy is one of the highest honors accorded […]

Laurel Carney Awarded Engineering Professor of the Year

Laurel Carney | Via University of Rochester Medical Center | May 1, 2011

Congratulations to Professor Laurel Carney, who was recognized by the Student Association as the Engineering Professor of the Year at the prestigious annual University of Rochester Undergraduate Research Symposium. Undergrad Travis Bevington, BME ’12, said, in presenting the award, Even with all of her research, Professor Carney manages to find time to spend countless hours […]

Ellis Meng Wins Use-Inspired Research Award at 2011 Annual VSoE Faculty & Staff Awards Luncheon

Ellis Meng | Via University of Southern California | April 29, 2011

Ellis Meng, Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering, was awarded the Use-Inspired Research Award at the 2011 Annual VSoE Faculty & Staff Awards Luncheon held on Thursday at Town & Gown of USC. In her short time as a young faculty member, Ellis has invented several devices that will revolutionize the way incurable ocular diseases are […]

Donald Ingber on the Serendipity of Science

Donald Ingber | Via PopTech | April 27, 2011

It may have been serendipity. While Donald Ingber was enrolled in an undergraduate sculpture course, he was also learning how to culture cells in a biology class, which led him to an unexpected breakthrough in comprehending cellular construction. It’s that same kind of chance that Ingber hopes will infiltrate Harvard University’s Wyss Institute for Biologically […]

Controlling Prosthetic Limbs with Electrode Arrays

Ravi Bellamkonda | Via MIT Technology Review | April 25, 2011

A new nerve-cell-support design could give amputees better control over prosthetic limbs. To design prosthetic limbs with motor control and a sense of touch, researchers have been looking at ways to connect electrodes to nerve endings on the arm or leg and then to translate signals from those nerves into electrical instructions for moving the […]

Rice Wins $1.2 Million for Heart-Valve Tissue Research

Jane Grande-Allen | Via Rice University News | April 21, 2011

A team of bioengineers from Rice University is bringing a promising new strategy for growing replacement heart valves closer to reality, thanks to a four-year, $1.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health. The team hopes to use gel-like materials to generate three-dimensional patterns called scaffolds that can simultaneously mimic the complex structural and […]

‘DNAsomes’ Can Deliver Multiple Drugs or Genetic Therapy

Dan Luo | Via Cornell Chronicle | April 21, 2011

DNA isn’t just for genetics anymore. Cornell researchers are using synthetic DNA to make nanoparticles, dubbed DNAsomes, that can deliver drugs and genetic therapy to the insides of cells. Dan Luo, professor of biological and environmental engineering, and colleagues report their work in the Jan. 3 issue of the journal Small. DNAsomes, Luo said, can […]

Akay Delivers Keynote Address at Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering

Metin Akay | Via University of Houston | April 19, 2011

Metin Akay, chair of the Cullen College’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, recently served as a keynote speaker at the first Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering.

Healy Wins Clemson Award

Kevin Healy | Via UC Berkeley Bioengineering | April 15, 2011

Bioengineering and Materials Science & Engineering Professor Kevin Healy was awarded the 2011 Clemson Award for Basic Research from the Society for Biomaterials. Healy was honored for contributions to the basic knowledge and understanding of the interaction of materials with tissue, evidenced by significant research, important original publications in the literature and/or frequent reference to […]

Virtual Child to Help Crash Safety: Ford is Developing a Digital Child Crash Test Dummy with Lifelike Internals

Stephen Rouhana | Via GoAuto | April 4, 2011

The quest to further improve the quality of crash testing has led the Ford Motor Company to begin development of a ‘virtual’ child to use as a crash test dummy in simulated accidents. Ford claims it is one of the first research projects to build a digital human model of a child with more lifelike […]

Pitt Bioengineer Wins One of Field’s Most Prestigious Prizes and Pitt Composer Honored With Two Commissions For New Work

David Vorp | Via University of Pittsburgh News | April 1, 2011

Behind the larger stories about the University of Pittsburgh are other stories of faculty, staff, and student achievement as well as information on Pitt programs reaching new levels of success. The following is a compilation of some of those stories. Pitt Professor’s Contributions to Bioengineering Recognized With Prestigious 2011 Van C. Mow Medal, the Only […]

Ford “Virtual Child” Looks To Keep Kids Safer In Cars

Stephen Rouhana | Via CBS Detroit | March 31, 2011

Ford is developing what it calls the “virtual child,” in an attempt to learn very specifically how a child’s body reacts to the type of stresses put on it during a crash. “This virtual child will allow us to better understand how a real human interacts with a restraint system,” says Dr. Steve Rouhana, Ford’s […]

Dr. Gerard L. Cote Awarded 2011 Distinguished Achievement Award

Gerard Cote | Via TAMU Department of Biomedical Engineering | March 29, 2011

Dr. Gerard L. Coté, Charles H. & Bettye Barclay Professor and Head of Biomedical Engineering was awarded a 2011 Distinguished Achievement Award in the category of Research given by the Association of Former Students and Texas A&M University.

Cheap Fuel Cell Catalyst Made Easy

Liming Dai | Via Case Western Reserve University | March 22, 2011

Catalysts made of carbon nanotubes dipped in a polymer solution equal the energy output and otherwise outperform platinum catalysts in fuel cells, a team of Case Western Reserve University engineers has found. The researchers are certain that they’ll be able to boost the power output and maintain the other advantages by matching the best nanotube […]

Role of Intermolecular Charge Transfer Promises Efficient Metal-Free Catalysts

Liming Dai | Via Nanowerk | March 21, 2011

The efficiency of catalyzing the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) – the process that breaks the bonds of oxygen molecules – to a large degree determines the electrochemical performance of fuel cells. Platinum and platinum-based composites have long been considered as the most efficient ORR catalysts. Platinum’s drawback, besides its high cost, has been its lack […]

A Better Way to Heal Broken Bones

John Fisher | Via UMD Bioengineering | March 17, 2011

Your own stem cells could one day be quickly and efficiently cultured into new bone and tissue used to heal a serious injury, thanks to advances in the development of a device designed in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering (BioE) at the Clark School. A paper about the device, “Tubular Perfusion System for the Long […]